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Temperature crosses 40 degrees Celsius in Karnataka’s Kalaburagi

With the arrival of summer, the temperature is soaring in southern India along with other parts of the country.
On Sunday, the temperature crossed 40 degrees Celsius in Karnataka’s Kalaburagi.
Umesh, District Disaster Professional Deputy Commissioner office Kalaburagi, informed, “The temperature on March 31 has crossed 40 degrees Celsius in Kalaburagi.”
Also Read – Bengaluru records 37°C temperature on Saturday, highest in last five Marches
A local resident, Kriti, said, “The heat is scorching. The temperature here in Kalaburagi has already crossed 40 degrees Celsius. To protect ourselves from heat, we are having cold drinks and juices at our way home.”
The people have already started experiencing heat wave conditions. They have been covering their faces and drinking lemon juice to beat the heat in Kalaburagi.
Meanwhile, with elections around the corner, political parties are finding it difficult to run their campaigns, as the soaring heat is becoming a major challenge to pull the crowd in late-forenoon campaigning.
To combat the weather challenge, political parties are using different ways to reach out to the people.
Meanwhile, in Tamil Nadu, the DMK party, in one such meeting, came up with the idea to beat the heat by distributing ice water bottles, ice curds, and watermelons to the crowds.
All parties, like the DMK, AIADMK, and BJP, have late forenoon campaign schedules as fewer days are left for the election.
